Buy HydraBus v1.0 Rev1.4 on Amazon:
Amazon FR: https://www.amazon.fr/HydraBus-v1-0/dp/B088F4BNHK
Amazon IT: https://www.amazon.it/HydraBus-v1-0/dp/B088F4BNHK
Amazon ES: https://www.amazon.es/HydraBus-v1-0/dp/B088F4BNHK
Amazon NL: https://www.amazon.nl/HydraBus-v1-0/dp/B088F4BNHK
Note: Amazon FR https://www.amazon.fr/s?k=hydrabus can be used to buy HydraBus products to Germany / USA or other country (depending on your Amazon account)
If for any reason you cannot buy on Amazon you can buy them from online Shop (when available) or contact hydrabus
Special Offer during Hardwear IO USA 2021
20% discount on HydraBus v1
Available from 05 July 2021 00:00 to 10 July 2021 23:59 for Amazon Prime Member only
HydraBus if officially part of Community Sponsor of Hardwear.io Security Trainings and Conference USA 2021
Hydrabus v1 price is decreased to 59Euros (was 69Euros before on Amazon)
Part1: Low Powered and High Risk: Possible Attacks on LoRaWAN Devices
Part2: Gauging LoRaWAN Communication Security with LoraPWN
Part3: Protecting LoRaWAN Hardware from Attacks in the Wild
Thanks to TrendMicro & Sébastien Dudek for those excellent articles about LoRaWAN security